
Displays are Vue components for formatting some input data from a value prop.

Display component

Component sources

Display component is a proxy component which passes all its props down to a specified display type component.

Usage: <display type="String" value="value"></display>.

Value will be just printed as-is if display type can not be resolved.

Available display types

Display types available out-of-the-box are described here. See custom display types section if you want to add a custom type.

All display types support a value prop. Type-specific props definitions are provided in their descriptions.


Component sources

Aliases: collection

Accepts array of values. Outputs configured display of each value.

Supported props:

  • itemProps - array item display props ({ type: 'text' } by default)


Component sources

Aliases: bool, boolean

Formats a boolean or null value with Font Awesome icon, text and color. Value variants can be checked, unchecked and unknown for true, false and null respectively.

Supported props:

  • icon - Font Awesome icon class for each value variant, default is { checked: 'fas fa-check', uncheked: 'fas fa-times', unknown: 'fas fa-question-circle' }
  • text - same for text, no text by default
  • color - same for color, can be any Bootstrap color mode for text-* class (primary, info, danger, etc.), default is { checked: 'primary', unknown: 'muted' }


Component sources

I bet you can guess what it is :)

Accepts a hex color code without leading # as a value.


Component sources

Displays a date in a localized format.

Accepts Y-m-d format as a value.


Component sources

Displays date and time in a local format.

Accepts Y-m-d H:i:s format as a value.


Component sources

Displays a file download button.

Accepts file URL as a value.


Component sources

Displays formatted floating point value.

Aliases: real, double, decimal

Supported props:

  • precision - number of digits after the point

Component sources

Displays thumbnails for an array of images.


Component sources

Raw html value.


Component sources

Image thumbnail.


Component sources

Displays value as a preformatted JSON


Component sources

Aliases: meta

Displays a provided object as a key-value pairs in a table.


Component sources

Displays entity item relation(s) with or without related item editing link.

Supported props:

  • display - function(item) or a string with placeholders generating a display name for related item
  • entity - related entity name, can be omitted for no-link relation
  • color - Bootstrap color mode (primary, info, danger, etc.) for entity item button (with link) or label (without link), default is default
  • noLink - disable link, but it will disabled anyway if no entity provided or entity editing is not allowed


Component sources

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