Customization overview

You can customize anything in this package by following same file structure as the package's one. Webpack will try to resolve customized files first so you can just "replace" any default source file.

Just import original module from vue-admin-front/src if you want to extend its functionality.

Package structure:

  • config.default.js - default configuration file (see configuration section for more information)
  • webpack.config.js - Webpack configuration file (set webpackConfigModifier option in your custom config to extend default config)
  • index.js - dev server entry, exports Express application instance to a module.exports
  • src - admin panel sources
    • components - all reusable components should be here
      • app - application layout components
        • logo.vue - top-left corner logotype
        • sidebar-menu.vue and sidebar-menu-item.vue - sidebar main navigation (better do not touch it: these components strongly depend on configuration fetched from a server API and they are not designed to be customized by any other way)
        • sidebar-user.vue - current user and logout button
      • displays - display components, usable as a Display component with type prop set to a display component file name (<display type="field-name"></display>), read more here
      • entity - components exposed within all entity page components as Entity{FileName}
      • fields - fields, usable as a Field component with type prop set to a field component file name (<field type="field-name"></field>), read more here
      • modals - modal components, can be used within any component as this.$'modal-name', props), this.$modal.close(), read more here
      • shared - components registered globally via Vue.component('file-name', component)
    • filters - Vue.js filters, registered globally via Vue.filter('file-name', filter)
    • directives - Vue.js directives, registered globally via Vue.directive('file-name', directive)
    • lang - translations, files named {lang}.js (en and ru are supported by default, see vue-i18n for more information); you can add your custom translations based on default ones to provide different languages support
    • pages - route components, each file here will be pointed to the corresponding route same as its file name (excluding files and folders starting with underscore _)
      • entities - entity pages, create folder to extend or replace default pages
        • _generic - default entity page components (mind the underscore _ - this folder's routes are registered explicitly in router.js; you can copy this folder with a name of your entity to fully replace default pages with custom ones), read more here
          • index.vue - entity list
          • item.vue - entity create/edit form
    • styles
      • skins - there you can add your custom AdminLTE skin style, just create a file and set a skin field in initial-state.js same as a file name
      • admin-lte.less - AdminLTE style imports (rewriting is not recommended, but you can change AdminLTE or Bootstrap variables in variables.less)
      • bootstrap.less - Bootstrap 3 style imports (rewriting is not recommended, but you can change AdminLTE or Bootstrap variables in variables.less)
      • variables.less - LESS variables for AdminLTE and Bootstrap 3, there you can completely or partially redefine default values
      • shared.styl - shared stylus variables included everywhere, read more here
      • wysiwyg.styl - WYSIWYG (CKEditor) field default styles (keep in mind that it is highly recommended to provide a CSS file generated from your frontend styles and passed with API meta data or as a WYSIWYG field prop)
    • app.vue - application root component
    • entry.js - application entry file
    • http.js - configured, ready-to-use http service (Axios)
    • i18n.js - translation plugin config (vue-i18n)
    • initial-state.js - exports initial Vuex store state (you can change such things as a page title and AdminLTE skin here)
    • router.js - vue-router config
    • store.js - vuex store config
    • layout.pug - application layout template
    • ckeditor-config.js - CKEditor 4 configuration

Use cases and examples

  • Add some HTTP headers to a standard http.js:

      // admin/src/http.js
      import http from 'vue-admin-front/src/http';
      http.defaults.headers['X-Custom-Header'] = 'Value';
      export default http;
  • Add custom page:
      <!-- admin/src/pages/custom-page.vue -->
      <script> export default {} </script>
      <template lang="pug">
              h1 My custom page
              p URL: /admin/custom-page
      <style lang="stylus">
              background blue
  • Add global component:
      <!-- admin/src/components/shared/my/component.vue -->
      <script> export default {} </script>
      <template lang="pug">
              p My component is accessible everywhere as my-component
      <style lang="stylus">
              background blue
  • Extend default en translation

      // admin/src/lang/en.js
      import lang from 'vue-admin-front/src/lang/en';
      lang.messages.myMessage = 'My message';
      export default lang;
  • Create custom users create/edit form page

          Completely replace original component
          export default {
              routePath: ':id'
      <template lang="pug">
              p Your are not welcome here
      <style lang="stylus">
              font-size 80px
                  text-align center
      // Add some functionality provided by original component
      // admin/src/pages/entity/users/item.js
      import baseComponent from 'src/pages/entity/_generic/item.vue';
      export default {
          routePath: ':id',
          extends: baseComponent,
          computed: {
              // hide some fields if user is not admin
              hiddenFields() {
                  if (this.item.role !== 'admin') return ['only_for_admin'];

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