
All stuff you can edit, create, overview, delete and whatever else you want to do is called entity. That includes users, posts, categories, tags, products, etc. Meta-data about each entity should be fetched from a server API and contains the following:

  • Entity name used as a prefix for routes and API calls (examples: posts, users, user-roles)
  • Primary key field name
  • Titles for each type of entity pages (index, create and edit)
  • Index fields config
  • Filter fields config
  • Create/edit fields config
  • Permissions

Refer to Server API prerequisities section for more information.

Entity pages

Each entity section consists of these pages:

  • Entity index page shows a table with entity items. Each column represents a specified entity field. Supported features are: entity item deleting, bulk deleting, inline field editing, different display formats, filters, ordering. You can customize entity index page by extending default component from src/pages/entities/_generic/index.vue in src/pages/entities/**entity-name**/index.[vue|js].
  • Entity create/edit form page shows a create/edit form with configured fields. Each field has a specified type, entity field name and other properties defined by a particular field type. All available out-of-the-box field types are listed in the available field types section. You can customize form itself by extending default entity form component from src/pages/entities/_generic/item.vue in src/pages/entities/**entity-name**/item.[vue|js].

See extending entity pages section for more information about customization.

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