
You probably do not want to read this section unless you get there by reference from some other section or you just know what you want :)

There are some places where you can use a string templates with placeholders.

Each placeholder is a template part with mustache-like entries similar to Vue.js that can be dynamically replaced with some values from a provided object.

These entries looks like this: {{ field [| filter | filterWithArgs(arg1, arg2)] [|| default value ]}} where:

  • field - source object field name which value will be used
  • filter, filterWithArgs(arg1, arg2) - filter, any Vue.js globally registered filter
  • defaultValue - guess what


Usage in JavaScript code:

import { parsePlaceholders } from 'src/utils';

const str = parsePlaceholders('The name is {{ name | uppercase }}', { name: 'Something' });
// str === 'The name is SOMETHING'

Usage in Vue component templates with a built-in placeholders filter:

    export default {
        data: () => ({
            priceTemplate: '{{ name | floatFormat || 0.0 }} USD'
<template lang="pug">
        p {{ priceTemplate | placeholders({ price: 10.1234567 }) }} === 10.12 USD
        p {{ priceTemplate | placeholders({}) }} === 0.0 USD

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    No results matching ""